Blue Pavilion Beach Resort
Infanta, Quezon
Blue Pavilion Resort is located in Infanta, Quezon. The resort has 9 aircon rooms, 3 fan rooms, a roof deck, 7 open cabanas, and a fully furnished pavilion.
Blue Pavilion Resort provides some activities for the guests to enjoy such as beach volleyball, darts, frisbees, some board games, badminton, sea scooter, banana boat, lots of water sports, and many more. A nightly bonfire is also provided on the beach for the guests. Blue Pavilion Resort is a great place to spend time with friends and families.

Features & Amenities
Punta Tierra Blanca Beach Resort
Why travel any further when Punta Tierra Blanca Beach Resort has it all?
Nanay Santa's Garden and Beach Resort
Come and experience the beauty of Quezon Province here at Nanay Santa’s Garden and Beach Resort.
Unisan Sands
Unisan Sands located in Unisan, Quezon is only a 4-hour drive from Manila.